My Beauty Club EMEAI

by L'Oréal



My Beauty Club EMEAI is a Social and Mobile Learning app for Beauty Advisors

My Beauty Club EMEAI is a social and mobile learning application dedicated to train Beauty Advisors in Travel Retail. This application features training, news, forums and content to keep Beauty Advisors fully up to date.We regularly update the app to improve your expérience.This version includes a new feature:* The Scramble Game: a new educational gameOther recent improvements:* Communities: social spaces for learner discussions dedicated to each training course* Advanced search: a smarter search engine* Minor bug fixes and performance improvements

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Kimberly Capps

By L'Oréal - the company that effectively educates you on how to maintain your image while dishing out violence and lying about it. Contains a detailed step by step guide on supporting domestic abuse by their rep Amber Heard 100% recommend for husband beaters, liars and cheaters

Sky Tang

Horrible app. Justice for JD

Jeroen Lappenschaar

Loreal EDUCATION?? They should first educate themselves to not to support violence, no matter what gender is it!! That BA ST ARD amber heard has to be fired!! #justiceforjohnny


Same story- even after the update 😢 I'm having trouble accessing the module... it would stop suddenly. I couldn't finish some activity because the app would just hang 😢

Em Bartolome

Very informative and knowledgeable app....Thank you so much L'Oréal team...This makes it more easy for us to educate ourselves at anytym & anywhere

Clarico Sequeira

Amazing app. Very useful. Loved it. 👍👍

Ashish Nandwani